Our PTA Board

Our PTA is run by a volunteer board. Board Members are elected each spring for the following school year. If you are interested in joining the board or chairing a PTA committee, please contact our President.



 Mary Stone







This is my third year on the PTA board. My daughter, Celeste (2nd), is excited to be a Bulldog!


I love Buena Vista because of the people! It is a great community of kids, parents, and teachers. Celeste loves her teachers, friends, and the staff at BV Club!


When I am not at a PTA meeting, I am working full-time as a Realtor, serving as the Girl Scout leader for my daughter’s troop, and shuttling her to various activities. I am looking forward to serving on the PTA board and doing my part to support our BV community!

Rachelle Stimmel







This is my third year serving on the PTA board. Mom to Gavin (4th grade). 


The reason I love BV is....the supportive, diverse, (and fun) community! 


If I'm not at a PTA meeting, you can find me at a Giants game, concert, exploring California (usually through food and wine), spending time with friends and family or chauffeuring my son to many an activity or sporting event. 


Looking forward to the year ahead!



Pauline Grundig








This is my third year as a PTA board member.

My son Jackson is in 5th grade.


The reason I love BV is our wonderfully inclusive school community and our very involved families.


If I'm not at a PTA meeting then I am with the Cub Scouts, volunteering in the classroom, hiking with family, or taking the kids for swim or other activities.

We love all that BV offers from the teachers and staff, after-school Club, the after-school enrichment classes, Cub Scouts, fellow classmates and parents, and of course PTA.



Jennifer Berg


Recording Secretary






Katie McSherry


VP Communications





This is my second year serving on the PTA board, and have been a member of PTA for the past seven years. I have two sons, Collin (5th grade) and Reece who will be in 7th grade at WCI.


I love BV because of the amazing teachers, the wonderful families, and the fantastic community BV has.


When I am not at a PTA meeting, I am teaching kindergarten in a neighboring district, shuttling my boys to their sport practices, playing with our dog Skittles, hiking, or reading a great book. I am looking forward to a great year with our wonderful BV community! 

  Tully Schenkel


VP of Ways & Means







Natalie Ryan


VP of Outreach







 Christine Kohne and Leana Matthews


Co-VP of Programs 






Melanie Charles












Open Position 













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