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BV Bulldog Fund 2024-25 - Help Us Support Our Community!

What is the Bulldog Fund?

The Bulldog Fund is a direct donation to support Buena Vista Elementary. This is the most efficient way to help our school. 100% of your dollars go directly back to Buena Vista Elementary and if you have a corporate matching program, you can double your impact! Suggested donation is $150 per student.

Why is it important to consider donating to the Bulldog Fund?

We know that what our State allocated budget provides is simply not enough to provide our children with the high quality, well-rounded education they deserve. In order for our current budget to be maintained, we are asking for a one time PTA donation of $150 per student or $250 per family. It is up to WCEF and PTA/PTOs within the District to assist in filling those budget gaps which means we as parents need to do everything we can financially to maintain WCSD's quality education it has offered our children. EVERY child benefits from the PTA-funded programs and services, so every family should contribute what they can to the Bulldog Fund. Plus your donation is 100% tax deductible and your employer may match your donation dollar for dollar, doubling the impact.   



 Bulldog Fund - Family
The Bulldog Fund is the main source of financial support.
 Bulldog Fund - Student$150.00 
 Bulldog Fund - Other Amount$